2022 Diversity & Accessibility Scholarship Recipients
by admin, 19th December 2022
Constance from Belgium, training with the Open Floor
I was a ballet dancer for a long time. That was before I discovered conscious movement. In 2013, I was diagnosed with endometriosis which causes debilitating pain. I underwent surgeries and came very close to dying. I experienced a big shift which, in an instant, brought me to the realization that I was not really connected to my body, nor to my emotions, nor to my own nature...
Later on, I discovered the conscious movement field. And while I travelled for 2 years with the intention to dance my life, I discovered Open Floor in Australia. It was so powerful and truly life-changing. I let the healing come to me, move within myself. I experimented and discovered the benefit of the reconnection to my emotions, my feelings, my sexual and creative energy - in one word - to my vitality. Phew, my body can also be a source of incredible joy and not only a source of pain.
This training is a personal journey, but also a journey in which I want to commit myself, especially to women's health. As a teacher, I want to offer them the same journey, opportunity, benefits and more that I have gotten and still get. I want to lead women, no matter whether they know how to dance or not. I want to offer them a safe space to embody and express their potential, to create a life more aligned with their deepest identity and to feel fully alive. I want them to bring movement back into their lives, along with fun, playfulness, craziness…
Life gains worth when it’s danced!