Climate Change We’re in the midst of a climate emergency. We can see the effects in the fires, floods and droughts that are becoming increasingly common in all parts of the world; and in the hotter summers, harsher storms, and increasingly unpredictable patterns of our weather. We humans have brought this about, and we will need to change as both individuals and communities if we are to avoid the mass extinction of much of the rich diversity of plants, animals and landscape that we are privileged to live amongst. The scale of the challenge can appear daunting; but the need for action is now. As teachers of conscious movement we have skills and resources we can bring to the task:
The ICMTA is ready to play its part in responding to the climate emergency. We have adopted a Climate Policy which we hope will bring more awareness of our impact in this area to the decisions we make as an Association; and also support and inspire you our members to do more of whatever feels appropriate to you to address the situation. Below are some articles and resources that you may find interesting and helpful.Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Our Work - Part II 1st March 2024 by Andrew Holmes