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Membership Fees

How does it work?

It’s simple and you are in charge. 

Below, you will find 5 options of rates to choose from and simple guidelines to help you choose the right one. You are the one who chooses. We count on you to choose consciously, so the association may continue to thrive.

Inclusivity, solidarity and transparency.

We wanted to keep it simple. We didn’t want you to have to ask for discounts when you’re in need, we want to trust you and let you choose which rate fits you in your unique experience of here and now.

We trust each other. 

The association is a community of members. We have a mutual commitment.
We are here to support you.
We trust that you will choose your rate to support us.

Now we invite you to pause for a moment, have a look at the following options and consider what feels right and just for you at this moment in your life. 

Membership Levels

Level I - important - 150 euros - this is our standard rate with donation, which is important for us to be able to offer lower rates to members that need them. 

This is for you if you feel comfortable with it and it makes you happy to support the association in its vision. 

Level C - confident - 100 euros - this is our standard rate. We are confident that we can go on thriving in the long term, if most members choose this option. In the meantime, we also want you to feel confident that this is the right choice for you. 

Level M - mindful - 75 euros -  this is for those of you who already belong to another professional body, or are new teachers in their 1st year of teaching (post training). And you can also mindfully choose this rate if you find it difficult to afford to pay a higher rate.

Level T - trusted - 50 euros - this is typically a rate for those who are still training, but also those who live in places with lower incomes, or find themselves financially struggling for any other reason. We trust that you choose this option if you really cannot afford to pay more - whether or not you’re still studying!

Level A - accessible - 35 euros - we really want to stay accessible to all of you! Difficult economic circumstances, difficult life circumstances, or even for those who would just like to stay in touch during their sabbatical… Again, please choose this option if you really cannot afford to pay more.

Special note on working circle members

We strongly encourage all members to get more involved by becoming working circle members and sharing their skills within the ICMTA. 

As a thank you for their work, we will invite all working members to think about a level that fits them best, and then actually choose the rate below. 

Note: The ICMTA does not want money to be a barrier in any way to a teacher being part of this inspiring creative community. If even meeting the accessible level is challenging, please do contact the ICMTA Office Manager for other options.

While we make every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate, we cannot guarantee that everything is up-to-date when you read it. Please check with us, or the ICMTA member concerned, if it is important.

Photographs by
Luna Buerger, UnSplash and internal archives. Built with the precious help of The Joy of Membership.

© 2025 International Conscious Movement Teachers Association vzw, Keerbaan 23, Oelegem 2520, Belgium

0543.601.460, RPR Antwerpen

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