What Moves You? Podcast What Moves You? is a series of podcast episodes of two teachers talking to each other about what inspires them, how they work, and what got them into it in the first place… Latest Episodes
Episode 10 - Part II: "Letter to a young movement teacher..." Catherine Wright and Anaïs Tamen deepen in their conversation on how to teach when children are present and on teaching outdoor. They reflect on the start of their career and address a form of "letter to a young movement teacher..." to those starting the path. They conclude on what they may still be touching now in their teaching practice, in term of doubts, challenges, and realisations. Episode 10 - Part I: Meet Catherine Wright and Anaïs Tamen in the Botanical Garden of Edinburgh, Scotland, for the first part of Episode 10. Learn how they got into teaching conscious dance, how they handle teaching with children in the space... And get the first few glimpses of Catherine experience in working outdoor in all weathers. Catherine Wright is a Movement Medicine Teacher based in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is the Operational Leader of the ICMTA Ethics & Mediation Circle. Catherine was a teacher of philosophy in the USA and in Scotland, an ante natal teacher, and she is now a celebrant (which means she can marry people who want to). “The wisdom we can access through our bodies has woven itself into everything I do. In all of my work and study, my intention is to more fully understand myself, and our shared humanity.”More about Catherine: Anaïs Tamen is an Open Floor teacher based in Alentejo, South Portugal. They are the ICMTA Marketing & Communications Officer, and has been working for the association since October 2024. Initially trained in Economics and International Politics, Anaïs has been working as a shiatsu practitioner for the last 17 years, and as a movement teacher and a soul-care therapist since 2017. Anaïs is a dedicated tree planter, and a writer. More about Anaïs:
Sarah Davies is an Open Floor teacher, founding member and trainer for the current EU teacher training. The book I co-authored; “You, Me and the Space Between Us” was published earlier this year. I’m currently studying for a Gestalt Psychotherapy MA at the Gestalt Centre in London.
Jo and Christian are dancers, teachers and long standing friends who regularly co-weave multi-layered conversations at a famous local coffee shop in Totnes. This podcast is a slice of a coffee conversation and it got rather long …. We trust all listeners will dip in and out, take a pause, a breath and a moving moment ....Thank you for listening! Jo Hardy is a Movement Medicine teacher, mentor and was school faculty 2009 - 2020. She is also a 5Rhythms teacher since 2004 (Waves and Heartbeat Level), an Open Floor Teacher, and a psycho-spiritual somatic psychotherapist and supervisor for 35 years. Her fascination for what truly facilitates lasting change has led her to study many perspectives, philosophies and modalities of transformational work and collective co-creative process. She has taught workshops in many places, with a focus on regular programs in Europe and China. Website: https://consciousdancespace.com/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/ConsciousDanceSpace Instagram: https://Instagram.com/consciousdancespace/ Film: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6THB9Q5T4_s&t=2s Music Mixes: https://mixcloud.com/johardy Christian de Sousa is an artist, DJ and facilitator, teaching 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine and a weave of Taoist and animist/shamanic approaches to movement and practice. He’s fascinated by the magic of music as an inspirational guiding force for our dances. For many years he held large dance spaces and a thriving community in London; his focus since the pandemic has simplified and is currently with solo practice and how we can integrate movement into day-to-day living. Website: https://glimpsesoflight.art The Dancefloor Jedi Project: https://glimpsesoflight.art/dancefloorjedi-library Monthly deep radio: https://glimpsesoflight.art/transmission/ Instagram: @_glimpses.of.light_
Deborah Bacon Dilts began teaching the 5Rhythms® in 1998. A native Californian but resident of France for the last 40 years, she has participated in the growth of the personal development field there in her various capacities as an interpreter of teachers and trainers in personal growth and consciousness work, as a trainer herself of relaxation and body therapists, and more recently as a certified mindfulness meditation teacher. Also trained in Open Floor, she feels deeply that dance alone is not enough for deep transformation to occur. She is currently exploring the synergistic combination of sitting meditation and dance. Her involvement in the ICMTA during the past eight years has been a rich source of learning, growth and connection. The golden thread that runs through all of these activities is connection with self, other and the greater field, her passion in this precious life.
Willemijn de Dreu (5Rhythms & Open Floor The Netherlands) is committed to the dancing path and the freedom it brings for so many. She is known for her fiery yet grounded presence and her gentle way of healing through movement. She effortlessly weaves shamanic threads in her teachings, with a great sensitivity to what is arising in the field. I'm the first teacher after Gabrielle Roth and Jonathan Horan to offer the archetypal workshop 'God, Sex & the Body'."
In this episode, 2 friends who never met: Audrey Boss from the UK & Majero Bouman from Canada... Audrey is an Open Floor teacher and Food & Eating coach, founder & author of "Beyond Chocolate: the mindful way to a healthy relationship with food and your body". She is based in London, UK. Her classes and workshops offer an embodied approach to body image and are open to all women and non binary people. https://www.beyondchocolate.co.uk/ Majero is a writer, an embodiment researcher, a mother, an artist, and a life-long dancer. Majero’s life changed course from researching and teaching cultural theory literature and writing to being pregnant with triplets, then twins. A life-long dancer, this new physically and emotionally demanding experience lead her to a diversity of Mindful Embodiment Practices. In 2017, she became a working member of Open Floor International and graduated as an Open Floor teacher in 2019.
Jane Belshaw and Jess Glenny are dancers, teachers and friends based in London, UK, where they met on the dance floor twenty years ago. Jane is a 5Rhythms and Open Floor teacher. Jess is certified to teach Open Floor but takes an eclectic approach to teaching conscious dance. In this conversation they talk about their ballet roots, what drew them to conscious dance, and how their conscious dance practice has changed over the years. You can find out more about Jane’s work at www.innerdancer.net and about Jess’s work at www.embodyyogadance.co.uk.