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Dynamic Governance

Dynamic Governance, which is also called Sociocracy, is a fresh creative way of working that creates a healthy culture of shared governance.

It offers structures and processes for groups to use in organising themselves, and seeks to create a safe inclusive environment where everyone has a voice and no voice is ignored.

Decisions are made by consent, rather than consensus or majority voting. The approach is sometimes referred to as a deeper democracy, as its main focus is the creation of healthy power dynamics.

Dynamic Governance is hierarchical, though less so than most typical organisations. Its structure is made of small teams or circles. Each circle has a well defined description of what they do (we call it their Aim), and has all the power and authority within this area to make its own decisions (we call this their Domain).

The Circles are all linked to each other through a central circle, the General Circle, which is made up of two members from each circle. We also have a Board of Directors, whose aim is to look ahead and steer the organisation.

In this way we decentralise power, authority and decision-making, and ask people to step into their own power in service to the Vision of the organisation.

Dynamic Governance offers a way to govern ourselves that supports effective and efficient process while increasing connection, listening and co-creation among members. It takes time to learn, and we keep improving how we work together over time. It can be delightfully surprising, as well as challenging our old ways of doing things.

The ICMTA adopted Dynamic Governance as it mirrors the way we want to work, be together, and show up in the world.

Imagine the way cells in our body divide and make new cells that always remain connected and part of the whole. As  conscious movement and dance teachers, we understand that no one body part is leading, that the sum of all is greater than any one. So we have found an organisational system that mirrors that.

Dynamic Governance is like a living organism, pulsing, listening, evolving and responding to each arising moment.

Passionate people with clear vision and integrity learning together and teaching each other.

While we make every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate, we cannot guarantee that everything is up-to-date when you read it. Please check with us, or the ICMTA member concerned, if it is important.

Photographs by Luna Buerger, UnSplash and internal archives. Built with the precious help of The Joy of Membership.

© 2025 International Conscious Movement Teachers Association vzw, Keerbaan 23, Oelegem 2520, Belgium

0543.601.460, RPR Antwerpen

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