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2022 Diversity & Accessibility Scholarship Recipients

by admin, 19th December 2022

Noémie from France, training with the Open Floor.

Thanks to the scholarship, I could attend some training sessions in-person, which would have been difficult without this financial help. This part of the training was dedicated to the topic of connection so it was such a powerful momentum that we could share all together, in the presence of one another. I felt the singularity of each individual person, and this helped me hugely - to see how to not compare myself any more, and understand that the best I can do as a teacher is to be myself at the fullest, acknowledging and welcoming whatever comes up. I feel it will make a big difference for the quality of my teaching. Thanks to this gathering all together, we could go a step further into cultivating a strong sense of belonging in the group, which is such a key if we want to benefit from the singularity of every one supported by the strength of the group. I am very grateful to be part of this training, and proud to belong to a group of humans acting effectively for inclusion.

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